
Contact: guoyn.05@gmail.com

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[1] Dynamic Delegation of Experimentation, American Economic Review, 2016, 106(8):1969-2008 (Lead article) [slides] [online appendix: optimal contract with transfers]

[2] Modes of Persuasion Toward Unanimous Consent, Theoretical Economics, 2018, 13(3):1111-1149 (with Arjada Bardhi) [slides]

[3] The Interval Structure of Optimal Disclosure, Econometrica, 2019, 87(2):653-675 (with Eran Shmaya) [slides] [online appendix] [a continuous-type example]

[4] The Use and Misuse of Coordinated Punishments, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2021, 136(1):471-504 (with Daniel Barron) [online appendix]

[5] Costly Miscalibration, Theoretical Economics, 2021, 16(2):477-506 (with Eran Shmaya) [slides]

[6] Information Transmission and Voting, Economic Theory, 2021, 72(3):835-868

[7] Wealth Dynamics in Communities, Review of Economic Studies, 2023, 90(4):1642-1668 (with Daniel Barron and Bryony Reich)

[8] Regret-Minimizing Project Choice, Econometrica, 2023, 91(5):1567-1593 (Lead article, with Eran Shmaya) [slides] [why do I like the paper]

Working papers:

[9] Robust Monopoly Regulation (with Eran Shmaya, updated 05/2024) [supplement] [slides] R&R at American Economic Review

[10] Early-Career Discrimination: Spiraling or Self-Correcting? (with Arjada Bardhi and Bruno Strulovici, updated 07/2024) [supplement] [slides]

[11] Optimal Discriminatory Disclosure (with Li, Hao and Xianwen Shi) R&R at JET

[12] The Value of Multistage Persuasion (with Eran Shmaya, first draft 12/2018)

[13] Private Learning and Exit Decisions in Collaboration (with Anne-Katrin Roesler)

[14] Dynamic Allocation without Money (with Johannes Hörner, updated 07/2018)

NSF Grant SES-1530608 “Dynamic Mechanisms without Transfer” joint with Johannes Hörner (2015-2019)